Geneza School Blog

A Case Study We Think You Should be Immersed in.

May 31, 2024

Bolt has been on our minds and has blatantly refused to leave our lips. The big question we ask every time is, “Where did an e-commerce platform get this kind of audacity?” We are yet to find the answer, but let’s share one of the best design systems we have had to study at Geneza.

As a sub-brand of a design agency, we find ourselves constantly seeking inspiration, something that sparks excitement for our next project, something that we can learn about so that you can also benefit from it. Lately, design systems have been all we can talk about at the agency. We have been so intrigued by the Bolt rebrand executed by Studio Koto, and my oh my, are we in awe. The audacity, the unconventionality, the coordination, and, let’s not forget… the synergy of that beautiful project. It’s like wearing a bob wig; it’s not for everyone, only a select few can pull it off. Zero shade thrown, please🌚

We firmly believe that immersing ourselves in exceptional projects like this can reshape our perspectives and inspire new approaches to our work. And so, we’re sharing this remarkable body of work with you for your viewing pleasure and to enhance your design tingles. Get the reference? No? Never mind, lol.

So, dive in and let the inspiration flow!

You can check out the case study here: Studio Koto/Bolt

Now, we feel under pressure to top this gem at our next treasure hunt. Yikes! But we are equal to the task. Until next time, have a splendid immersion🚀

You can find all of Shalom Folashakin's amazing designs on Behance here.

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