Geneza School Blog

Sometimes we don’t know all there is to be known…

October 1, 2024

Hi designer! Allow me to share a story about how I found myself in a scope creep with a client. The year is 2021, I don’t recall the date, but I had just gotten my first paid gig as a new designer. I was excited to create a logo for my first client, so you can imagine I was over the moon. I set some things in motion, had a discovery call, sent them a questionnaire, and even put together a little contract document [this is where I fumbled]; we are getting somewhere; please stick with me.  

At some point, while working on that project, my clients didn’t approve of any of my three options and requested that I create three fresh options. I was disoriented, but I couldn’t argue because there was nowhere in my contract that clearly protected me from scope creeping. You see, the thing is, sometimes we think we have it all figured out. Still, in some situations, we haven’t scratched the surface of what we think we know, so yes, I learned about contracts however, I didn’t do proper research on what my client contract should include. It eventually cost me time and resources I didn’t bargain for.

I don’t want you to experience scope creeping, so I will share a secret with you. *Whispers loudly* Geneza store has a Client Contract Document up for grabs, and guess what? It’s free! Kick-out scope creeping with our detailed  Client Agreement Document that has been thoroughly curated to protect your interests and that of your clients. We want you to excel as a designer, which includes getting the business side of things right. I promise you it’s unbelievable how this document is free, but we are generous like that.😉

Don’t miss out on this valuable resource. Click the link to grab your free Client Contract Document now! Link to document here.

You can find all of Shalom's Folashakin's amazing designs on Behance here.

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